Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Cubs Lose

I went down to Wrigley Field tonight hoping that the Cubs might clinch a share of a playoff spot before the night was over. It didn't happen, as they lost 4-1 to the Brewers.

On the other hand, I've learned as I yell at the screen when the Cardinals are playing that every team has a night when the bats go cold.

In other Cub-related news, the Cubs management really needs to figure out how to handle line management for the Rockwell shuttle when there are 30,000+ people at the ballpark who are not leaving way before the end of the game. When you're in line (having fought your way there through the crowd) and the line doesn't move forward at all as four buses leave, this suggests that people are joining much closer to the head of the line than to the end.

What we have here is a failure to queue.
Tags: baseball, cardinals, cubs, home, musings

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