Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Count Again

If you don't live in or around Washington state, you're probably not aware that the 2004 gubernatorial election there is still being litigated. Suffice it (for the moment) to say that after enough recounting, the Republican candidate's lead vanished and the Democrat was sworn into office. Much like Florida in 2000, the election was likely a statistical coin flip, but there's been enough evidence of irregularities in the Democratic stronghold of King County that the courts haven't been willing to summarily dismiss the suit. Which is not to say that the Republicans will win (or to say that they'll lose). But it's being interesting out there.

Anyway, it happens that Governor Gregoire was scheduled to speak at WSU's commencement ceremony. And a group of students in the Accounting department managed a rather clever (and, to their credit, non-disruptive) protest against the way the votes were counted.

You can read about it here.
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