Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Progress and Regress

Or as some might say, two steps forward, one step back.

It was an extremely busy day at work today between customer escalations and meetings. However, many problems were actually solved and those that weren't were at least narrowed down.

The result, though, was that I didn't manage to get downstairs until nearly 7 PM. And then I needed to run to Mariano's to hit the deli to pick up sandwich meat for dinner. At Mariano's, I had the mild misfortune of running into the world's slowest deli clerk, so it was about 45 minutes from the time I left home until the time I returned home.

In other words, the evening vanished with a *poof* and no progress was made on the ISFiC Press taxes.

But tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will get this done. :)
Tags: home, isficpress, musings, work

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