Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Oh, The Weather Outside Is Frightful

The weather across the last couple of weekends has not been at all conducive to buying a Christmas tree -- as in, it keeps snowing and raining. Buying the tree is an activity that we normally prefer to do in daylight, but with sunset between 4 and 5 PM and the forecast for next weekend being for continued guck falling from the sky, we have given up hope of daylight and are going out in the unseasonable cold tomorrow to buy a tree.

Since Olive Garden is in the direction of our preferred tree lot, we'll get dinner there first. Then a bit further out Rand Rd., we'll find a suitable tree, tie it to the top of the van, and head home with it.

The cleaning ladies are coming on Wednesday. Putting the tree up tomorrow night (even without decorating it) is far from optimal.

But we need a little Christmas, right this very minute...
Tags: christmas, home, musings

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