Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Back to the Drawing Board

A while back, Gretchen tired of getting substitutes of varying degrees of competence from the cleaning service that we had been using for a very long time and decided to try something different. We signed on with a different cleaning service and, for a while, things went well.

Then the franchise for our area was transferred to a different office. Instead of being paid by the hour, the cleaners were now paid by the job. Things went downhill.

Today, the cleaners arrived early while Gretchen was still prepping the house for their arrival. Rather than going where she *wasn't* working as Gretchen requested, they proceeded to clean around her where ever she was and left large sections of the house only partly done before leaving an hour after they arrived.

This afternoon, Gretchen called the office for the cleaning service and told them that their services would no longer be required.

We'll see what we try next.
Tags: home, musings

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