Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Stronger Than Dirt

After hacking at it off and on for several days, our kitchen is finally pretty clean. There are still some things on the island that need to be put away, but it has gotten its first really deep cleaning since we fired the cleaning ladies last year.

Finishing the cleaning was helped by picking up dinner at Omega in Niles tonight. I saw on Facebook that they are running a special on a full slab rib dinner. Gretchen has been lusting for ribs, so we scrubbed the plan to order in a deep-dish pizza in favor of the ribs. They were quite good, as was the sweet and sour cabbage soup that came along with my order.

Having not dirtied a bunch of dishes, scrubbing the kitchen became much easier. :)
Tags: home, musings

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