Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

I Got Sunshine

Collected bits and pieces from a lazy Boxing Day:

Sunshine came up to join us in bed last night while we watched TV. This got her a lot of head scritches, which seemed to make her happy. She headed out before we went to sleep, but this is progress. (Not the first time that she's joined us upstairs briefly, but she seemed a good bit less nervous this time.)

Julie wanted chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, so Gretchen ran out to get drinks while I picked up the pancakes at Gail's. When she returned, I discovered that Julie's hot chocolate was a coffee with eight cream and eight sugar. We swapped it out for the correct drink after Gretchen and I went out for lunch and dropped off a box of clothing at Goodwill.

I assembled the new, sturdier (and thoroughly non-portable) music stand that I got for Christmas. I expect this one will not be prone to falling over.

We made pecan sandies this afternoon, which meant that I needed to locate the powdered sugar for the recipe. I cleaned out the cabinet that contained it and we are *still* throwing out various expired foodstuffs found within. Some of them are waiting on the counter for further inspection -- otherwise known as "How does this smell and/or taste?"

K requested pizza for dinner, so we ordered carryout and will work on Christmas leftovers tomorrow.

There is plenty that needs to be done still, but a relative day off was clearly in order. :)
Tags: cats, home, musings, stuff

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