Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Vacation's End

Wow! Two actual weeks off from work. Sadly, I didn't get accomplished nearly as much as I might have hoped to. The best laid plans of mice and men, I think...

But I did manage to upgrade two computers: my home office desktop (which went swimmingly) and the studio desktop (which went about as badly as it could and come out running in the end). Both computers are now faster, having traded in their spinning disks for SSDs. And the additional RAM in the studio computer will also be handy.

Today, Gretchen and I spent some time working on the office closet and the debris field in front of it. The situation is still imperfect, but the closet is now accessible and a good many things have been placed into boxes to be given to Goodwill or taken to electronics recycling. I also filed away a good many things on my desk, which means that half of the desk is vaguely clear and the other still looks like a Matterhorn of paper. But these things take time.

Anyway, tomorrow is back to work. We'll see how things go. :)
Tags: computers, home, musings, stuff, vacation, work

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