Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Moving Forward, Into the Cold

The fellow from the granite company came by today and took measurements for the new countertops. He used a laser measuring device that was fascinating, not just for me, but also for Ruby the Dog, who became very attentive when she saw the red dot. That was the point where I put her outside before she rampaged through the kitchen trying to catch the dot, where she would have possibly destroyed the lovely laser measuring device. So we have now started the clock toward countertops, which is good.

Meanwhile, we had softball practice today. K was still under the weather and didn't make it, but most of the other kids did and we got some good work in, despite the annoying cold.

I was pretty chilled afterwards and Gretchen suggested that I run through the drive-through at one of our local fast-food places and pick up chili and soup. This was a good idea and went pretty well with the leftover roast that we warmed up in the microwave. Later in the evening, we had bagels. Gretchen had to slice them by hand, because the bagel slicer is still among the missing, but I hope to find it soon.

In the process of trying to find the bagel slicer, I found the large bottle of cooking oil and discovered that it is not going to fit on the shelf where I had thought to put it. It's just too tall. I could move the shelf above it up, but that's at one of the big gaps, so I would have to move that shelf up a lot. Overall, it's better not to.

So the oil is going in the pantry. It'll be ok. We'll find it there...
Tags: home, kitchen, musings, renovation, softball

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