Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

All Things Familiar

Monday, we went to Opening Day of the 2004 Cubs baseball season. On the way there, we stopped at Hot Dog Island, my favorite hot dog stand that had closed last summer. Gretchen and I had stopped in there on their closing day for lunch; then again on our way back from that day's baseball game. I'd missed seeing Jerry, the owner, during the Cubs playoff run last year -- he's a dedicated Cub fan.

They'd been supposed to reopen shortly, but didn't. I was getting worried that something had happened. While I was at Minicon, Gretchen poked around on the web and found the new location that had opened last month. When we got there, it turned out that they'd been wondering where we were. I'd changed e-mail addresses just before they reopened in March, so their announcement never got to me.

And the food was good.

Then we headed down to Wrigley, where I bought my scorecard from my familiar vendor outside the right field gate.

And it was even colder than it was last year.

And the Cubs lost. (We bailed out after the fifth inning.)

It was all very familiar.
Tags: baseball, cubs, musings

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