And Gretchen and Katie are upstairs taking a nap. Or at least they were before Katie woke up looking for her bottle. :)
Parents -- Officially Now
And Gretchen and Katie are upstairs taking a nap. Or at least they were before Katie woke up looking for her bottle. :)
Time for Rebuilding
Well, there's nothing like research. Having determined that DDR5 is going to carry a substantial price premium over DDR4 memory for at least a year…
Driven Wild
The studio computer continues to misbehave in various ways. When I fired up Cubase today, I got a lot of nasty, blocky video, despite having cleaned…
Some Old Doggerel
I recall having mangled a CSN tune many years ago on the way to Contraption. Like that convention, the particular co-worker whose code I was digging…
Time for Rebuilding
Well, there's nothing like research. Having determined that DDR5 is going to carry a substantial price premium over DDR4 memory for at least a year…
Driven Wild
The studio computer continues to misbehave in various ways. When I fired up Cubase today, I got a lot of nasty, blocky video, despite having cleaned…
Some Old Doggerel
I recall having mangled a CSN tune many years ago on the way to Contraption. Like that convention, the particular co-worker whose code I was digging…
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Ctrl → Alt →
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