Shortly before going in for my follow-up surgery in September, I checked the UHC website which showed that none of my earlier expenses had been credited. I called them and complained and they assured me that they would fix it.
Needless to say, that hasn't been done as I discovered when I looked at the recently processed claims on the website.
I've called again. I was not entirely pleasant. Interestingly, the record of my earlier call was in their system. No sign that anyone had actually been moved to do anything about it, but they had entered it for posterity.
Posterity has now sent my problem through to the appropriate department marked as "Urgent!" This may or may not improve the situation.
In the meantime, the new FSA sends me checks for what it thinks I'm supposed to be paying. Of course, those are things that I'm not supposed to be paying, so they shouldn't be disbursing the money.
It's also not clear that we've actually found all of the checks.
I love straightening out these messes. *sigh*