Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Getting the Idea, Sort Of

So daisy_knotwise, Katie, and I headed out to Red Robin for dinner. We ordered the chicken fingers for Katie to gnaw on, as they came with fries and a kiddie glass of milk, which we figured we could transfer to the sippy cup.

Katie was having nothing of the sippy cup. She wanted the kiddie glass with the bright red lid and the bright red straw. Ok, dear, but you don't know how to drink with a straw. At least, she'd never actually applied successful suction to one before.

Suck! And Katie found herself with a mouthful of milk, apparently much to her surprise, as her mouth opened and the milk poured down her front.

Suck! Dribble, dribble, dribble.

But after about six or seven rounds of this, she started swallowing. It wasn't the prettiest performance in the world, but it appears that she's figured out how to use a straw.

Later at home, she tried to mug Gretchen and steal her beer, but she's still too young for that.
Tags: kids, musings

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