Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

That Was Exciting

I couldn't find anyone to go to tonight's Cubs game with me, nor did the two seats on StubHub sell, so I headed off to Wrigley Field by myself, leaving daisy_knotwise to rescue harperjen from the train station. Despite an interesting traffic jam at Higgins and Des Plaines River Road, I got to the ballpark in reasonably good time. I bought the fourth-to-last of the Mystery Autograph Balls that the Cubs were selling for charity. Mine was signed by Ryan Dempster, who I believe was one of the ringleaders for the project, so getting his autograph wasn't a great surprise. Then I headed into the park where I was snatched by a bright faced young intern taking a survey of Cubs fans.

(Ok, I'm more of a Cardinals fan than a Cubs fan, but given the number of games I go to at Wrigley in any given season, I think I probably qualify for the purposes of the survey. :) )

It was a nice enough little survey. Then I grabbed a hot dog and a soda, ate dinner, and read my newspaper while waiting for the game to start.

Although it was a nice enough night (if a bit humid), the game rapidly turned into a fiasco. Dempster was the starter du jour and had a combination of bad luck with an ill-timed Theriot error and an inability to hit the strike zone. After four and a half innings, the weather was threatening and the Cubs were down 7-1. The father sitting nearby with his two teenaged sons decided to bail because of the threatening weather and the not-so-threatening (to the Astros) score. I figured I would probably bail after the fifth and go home to Gretchen, Katie, Julie, and our house guest, Jen.

And then the Cubs scored five runs in the bottom of the fifth.

Before the game was over, the Cubs had scored thirteen unanswered runs to take a 14-7 lead. A lead that was virtually Marmol-proof.

And happily, it was. Cubs win by a final of 14-7.
Tags: baseball, cubs, musings

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