Bill Roper (billroper) wrote,
Bill Roper

Back In The Saddle Again

After a lapse since before Christmas due to colds, work schedule, and conventions, I have finally gotten back up and onto the exercycle this morning. This was followed by a bagel and cream cheese which should be breakfast if I'm getting up at any reasonable hour, something at which most of the household has been failing.

daisy_knotwise has determined that all this nonsense is going to stop, which I consider a reasonable thought. :) The Park District program across the street will take Katie for a couple of morning a week for a manageable amount and that means getting up at a more-or-less normal hour to get her there.

We're hoping that a small amount of peer pressure will get her across the potty training threshold where she's been stalled, knowing how to do it, but not putting in the effort.

We'll see how this goes.

Meanwhile, this should, in theory, be a day off, but since I'm so far behind on everything after being stranded in Atlanta by snow last week, I'll be getting some work done now. :)
Tags: home, kids, musings, work

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